
AGS Newsletter Editors

We cannot emphasize enough the role of the newsletter editor in the success of the Aeroguidance Society. From the days of banging out a copy on a typewriter, literally cutting and pasting pictures onto the pages, taking the copy to the printers, collating, stapling, addressing and delivering to the post office were tasks taken on graciously by the newsletter editor.

Editor Jim Quinn contributed this introductory note in the Vol I no.9 in October, 1969. Well, once again there is a little apology in order as this issue of the CONNECTOR begins. If your copy of the CONNECTOR was not printed as clearly as it might have been, that was due to the fact that I was using a new type of mimeograph machine for the first time. This issue is coming out on time and hopefully it will be printed properly too. We begin again *.

* Webmaster note: I sure hope those copies smelled nice too!!!

In August of 2001 The CONNECTOR started being distributed as a PDF by E–mail.

While today's technology eases the process of publishing a monthly newsletter there are still the tasks of collecting the articles, organizing and distributing the newsletter. The AGS would like to make a special note of the club members who have served as newsletter editor over the years.

Scott Wallace 2023–2024
Todd Kopl 2019–2022
Scott Wallace 2015–2019
Bob Balsie 2011–2015
Jeff Hatton 2004–2011
Peter Brayman 2002–2004
Bill Oltmer 2001–2002
Bob Noll 1997–2000
Ralph Jackson 1995–1997
Wynn Aker 1994–1995
Tony Camarata 1993–1994
Gerry Skreckoski 1992–1993
Tony Camarata 1986–1991
Joe Felice 1985–1986
Don Godfrey 1984–1985
Terry Terrenoire 1983–1984
Don Leaf 1980–1983
Jim Kears 1978–1980
Ralph Jackson 1973–1978
Bob Noll 1970–1973
Jim Quinn 1969–1970

Please let our Webmaster know if you have additional editors to add to the list.

The CONNECTOR is prepared on a personal computer. Submissions are happily accepted via email to Open. Additionally, if you know of an event in the area that would be of interest to the general membership please forward that information for inclusion in the next edition of The CONNECTOR.

Here is the latest publication of The CONNECTOR.

The CONNECTOR Archives

The past two years of The CONNECTOR can be found in the tables below. The entire AGS archive of The CONNECTOR can be found in the link below the tables.

November October
September August July
June May April
March February January
December November October
September August July
June May April
March February January
December November October
September August July
June May April
March February January

The CONNECTOR Archive 1969–Present

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